Jupiter in Pisces ~ 13 May 2021 

If the urge to stomp in a rain puddle with both feet overwhelms you these days, go for it! In four hours Jupiter’s in Pisces... at least for a short splash. Make yourself a big splash symbolically, metaphorically and with dramatic flourish in the reality of life.

After today’s initial ingress into Pisces Jupiter turns retrograde on 20 June, retracing footsteps until 28 July, when he returns to retweet what he intended as cosmic mandates while he transited Aquarius earlier. You know, stuff like “don’t forget all that good for humankind vibe and actions that are good for you and others.”

On 18 October he returns to direct motion and pushes hard for progressive Aquarian evolutionary installations that stick and last. As the year closes out, on 29 December, Jupiter returns to Pisces, where it does seem he’s in “damn-urgent” expedite mode.

Expedite because before you know it, he’s in Aries. He zips into the action-packed sign where he dares closet to the Sun on 10 May 2022 and waves a quick “How do you do? Do it fast.” He returns to Pisces retrograde on 28 October, reverts to direct motion on 23 November, leaves the last sign of the zodiac on 20 December 2022. In this final Piscean push, Jupiter reminds us that closure or cloture depends upon a full and complete dive into the deep end of the emotional pool. Jupiter contends, if it’s a time of big feelings, so be it. Feel with embellishment and the necessary amplification to get what it’s all about.

In these intervals of Jupiter in Pisces what’s a person slugging it out in a post pandemic (all Piscean hopefulness implied) world to do with this new Jupiterian emphasis? Here are some suggestions for applying the best of Pisces:

Reflectively revisit virtually every belief you hold about religion, spirituality, God and everything, from the wildest myths of religion to the most steadfast principles of the divine. Anything that’s bothersome, delete and replace with something better. At the end of the review, confirm that your religious convictions are principles that it is within your nature to uphold.

Reconsider how you feel about freedom, whether it’s personal freedom of space, freedom of speech, freedom to worship or freedom to think as you wish. Redefine any inconsistencies, and eliminate any paradoxical thoughts.

Redefine your opinions about faith... faith in everything from life working out to relationships to others to faith in yourself. Come to terms with the idea that faith in yourself is the hugest arena of all.

Make a list of everything you believe in philosophically that is inconsistent with what you claim as your highest aspirations. Then, work to purge delusions of reference, feelings of wrongdoing, inadequacy and any insecurity that tampers with your ultimate life idealism.

For fun, review what you believe in as science. Come to solid conclusions based upon a review of facts in a parts and wholes manner. Spend some time surveying details up close. Step back and hang out with the big picture concepts. How does it vibe out to you know?

Using the above method review all the things that society and the Internet toss at you. Find a place where by all your greatest sensibilities you know what’s true. Doesn’t matter what you’ve been told by whom or what blog you’ve read... what vibes out in your bones as soulful truth?

Finally, engage in creative activities. If you are musically inclined, compose or play music. If you’re skilled in writing, find your ideal form of writing and write. If you can do art... in whatever form art may exist, be an artist. And if you can’t do any of the above, tinker and putter. You never know where “idle” tasks might lead.

In case you’re a tad out of sorts and picked up a massive size jigsaw puzzle to distract yourself after misreading the contents of the box as “1000 not so interlocking Pisces,” you can always take a break from reality and watch some tear-jerking movies. The point is not to see if you can find the biggest downer movies available in streamingville and drop yourself in despair. The point is to access feelings that need to be felt for purposes of greater life clarity and purpose restoration. Then, as any protagonist must, surge with inspiration to locate the gumption to take on goals and desires in the interest of a most satisfactory denouement.

More soon.